November 2023

Jesus wept.

– John 11:35

In the wake of horrific tragedies, like the war and devastation in Israel and Palestine, there is a heaviness in the air. It’s thicker. Darkness feels more foreboding. Hope seems further away.

As I wrestle with the grief I feel for our Israeli and Palestinian brothers and sisters, and all those who have been affected by, witnessed, or survived war, I remember the power of community. Scripture tells us these words from God: “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, I am there.” God is present in the bomb shelters, in the groups of people huddled for safety, in the mother’s arms holding her child, in the search crews navigating rubble, and in the Jewish, Muslim, and Christian houses of worship praying for peace.

When Lazarus died, Jesus saw the weight of the loss in the community as he stood with them in their mourning, and “Jesus wept.” In the wake of tragedy, we can find hope in knowing that God is there, mourning with us. We can find hope in the flickering of little flames on the candles held at vigils. We can find hope in the collective mourning, in the interlacing of fingers. This is where God is; and this is where our strength and hope abide.

During this time, I encourage you to embrace your community. Reach out. Call someone you know is grieving and talk with them. Listen more than you talk. Honor the elephant in the room – it’s okay to ask. If you yourself are grieving, call a friend. Maybe ask them over for tea. Find community.

I’ll close with a passage from Jewish poet, Dane Kuttler:

“The chain of hand to hand is unbreakable; the part of you that loves in spite of grief is unstoppable.”

With love,

Pastor Kelsey

Dear God, when we enter the house of the grieving, open our hands to whatever comes from the uncovered wells of mourning. May we witness, may we nourish. May our prayers be turned into acts of love, into the Holy Work of caring for your creation. In the wake of tragedy, may we care for body and soul, contribute to efforts of mourning and repair, and work for peace for all people. Amen.


December 2023


October 2023